I am retrieving a series of data from a server (geoserver) using $.ajax.
The (simplified) request looks like this:
var dataList=[];
//var urllist= // a list of several URLs to request data from
$.each(urllist,function(i) {
jsonpCallback: 'getJson',
type: 'GET',
url: urllist[i],
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
I need to write to the global variable dataList
because I need to fire an event after all requests from urllist are finished. (I've got deferreds implemented like so).
The problem is that the finished list is always in a different order. I need the result to be in the same order as the requests.
It might be a problem of closure where the index i
that is passed on to the ajax function and the allocation to dataList
that is happening at a later point (when the each loop has moved on).
I tried taking care of that like this but the problem remains the same. Also $.each
like in the code above should create a seperate closure for every iteration anyway.
I've managed to implement a recursive function but its synchronous.
edit: suggested duplicate does not deal with looped ajax requests
The problem was not related to the deferreds but to the jsonp or the related jsonpcallback
required for the request. Requesting the data as json solved the problem
credits to @charlietfl for the answer over at: Looped ajax request. Error handling and return order
For anyone looking this up: You most likely have to to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing on geoserver to be able to access the JSON directly