Main question: is calling worker.postMessage
from the worker.addEventListener
bad? Example below, I tried to keep it as short as possible.
I have a GWT native function with a worker (worker is initialized before so I can reuse it. Also, the braces should be /*-{
and }-*/
but for the sake for syntax highlighting I just go with {}
private native void nativeWorkerCalls(JavaScriptObject worker, int cwidth, int cheight) {
console.log('Main: Pre draw');
worker.postMessage({'cmd' : 'draw', 'args' : [cwidth*cheight] });
worker.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
switch ( {
case 'draw':
/* do some stuff */
console.log('Main: Pre clear');
worker.postMessage({'cmd' : 'clearBuffer', 'args' : []}); // I call the worker again!
case 'clearBuffer':
console.log("%c Main: Post clear", 'background: #222; color: #00ffae');
console.log("Main: ### Finished listener ###");
}, false);
and following worker.js
script which should execute different switch cases depending on the 'cmd' passed.
self.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
var data =;
switch (data.cmd) {
case 'draw':
/* assign some buffer, draw into it */
self.postMessage({ 'cmd' : 'draw', buffer : mb, offset : buffer});
case 'clearBuffer':
/* clear buffer */
console.log('Main: Pre clear');
self.postMessage({'cmd' : 'clearBuffer'});
}, false);
Problem: The first time I run the native function it's all fine. But every following call has the side effect that the eventlistener in worker.js gets called repeatedly.
One run should make following calls:
Main: Pre draw
Worker: Draw
Main: Post draw
Main: Pre clear
Main: ### Finished listener ###
Worker: Free buffer
Main: Post clear
Main: ### Finished listener ###
Pressing the button a second time gives me too many calls - it adds another draw (which doesn't seem to do anything) and also adds another clear (which runs into an error because the worker will then try to free a buffer that has already been freed):
Main: Pre draw
Worker: Draw
Main: Post draw
Main: Pre clear
Main: ### Finished listener ###
Main: Post draw
Main: Pre clear
Main: ### Finished listener ###
Worker: Free buffer
Main: Post clear
Main: ### Finished listener ###
Main: Post clear
Main: ### Finished listener ###
Worker: Free buffer
Stupid mistake on my behalf. The reason why I had these extra calls was because I kept adding event listeners to the worker. Obviously I need to add the event listener where I instantiate the worker and then I can pass the worker around.