I downloaded stlport from https://stlport.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/stlport/trunk/STLport and tried to compile it with Visual Studio 2008 SP1 on Windows 7 x64. The readme says to use: configure -c msvc9 but -c is an unknown compiler option so I used: configure msvc9 This seems to work according to the output, but it doesn't. The build/lib dir stays empty.
Do you have any suggestions?
I found the solution:
I use "Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt" (for the vars and paths) with the configure script from http://strongdc.sourceforge.net/download/STLPort.7z and I copy all the svn files over the files in this 7z Then I replace every "_value" with "_stlvalue" in stlport\stlport\type_traits. In the folder "stlport\build\lib>" I execute "configure -c msvc9" and after that "nmake /f msvc.mak clean install".
The configure script that I downloaded from the svn still says: " c:\stlport>configure -c msvc9 STLport Configuration Tool for Windows
Unknown compiler: -c
Unknown option: msvc9
Setting platform: Windows XP
Done configuring STLport. "
(I use the script from the 7z that I downloaded)