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Xamarin Forms Parse SDK Null Ref

I am trying to use Xamarin Forms PCL with Parse. I have installed the Parse Component to the Android project. I have a parse server running on localhost which I have successfully tested and added a user to. Although everything seems to be set up correctly any Parse API I try to call I get a null reference exception. My code is below:

ParseClient.Configuration config = new ParseClient.Configuration
    ApplicationId = "my-app-id",
    Server = "http://localhost:1337/parse/"

var user = await ParseUser.LogInAsync("steve", "abc123");
Console.WriteLine("Got User {0}.", user.Username);

I get a null reference when calling LogInAsync. If anyone has any experience or advice it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • localhost will point back to your Android emulator/device. You need to use the IP or FQDN of your local server – Jason 18 mins ago