I'm using Select2 4.0.3 trying to get the json returned from my server to appear as options in my drop down, but the results are simply not appearing when I open the drop down or search in the field.
<select class="select2-student form-control">
$(document).ready(function () {
ajax: {
url: "/MyUrl",
data: function (params) {
return {
text: params.term
processResults: function (data, params) {
return {
results: data
I'm getting the response back as expected from the server when I enter matching text:
[{"Text":"My Student","Id":3}]
And I'm getting "No results found" in the drop down when I input a string that doesn't match the server-side criteria (i.e. doesn't match what's in the "text" field), but when results ARE returned there's not even a drop down appearing with anything in it - and I'm not getting any errors either in my browser.
I've tried a number of variations on this code all day and have yet to get anything to work. Advice?
Update for anyone that is having the same issue: I figured out what was going on here shortly after posting - the JSON coming back from the server wasn't camel case, so Select2 wasn't reading it correctly. Correct format should be:
[{"text":"My Student","id":3}]
So stupid to miss in retrospect, but it appears that ASP.NET doesn't format this way by default. I started using the JsonCamelCaseResult class from this question and that has been working perfectly.