i am tying to use the output of a Perl script in Node.js
for (my $i=10;$i<100 ;$i+=30 )
printf "$i\n";
This script is called by the child_process.spawn method. My problem is, that i need to work with every single output. Is there a way to start a event as soon as perl send a new line to stdout? In my actual code i can see the output as a bulk after the perl script finished running and it is not possible to work with single lines
function setStuff() {
var command = "perl";
var scriptpath = "script.pl";
var arg = [scriptpath];
run(command, arg);
function run(cmd, arg) {
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var command = spawn(cmd, arg, {detached: true, stdout: 'pipe'});
var lineBuffer = "";
command.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
lineBuffer += data.toString();
var lines = lineBuffer.split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
Put this on your perl file to disable buffering on output :
select(STDOUT); $| =1;
You also need to fix your on 'data' handler so that you are not managing the lineBuffer var as you consume the data. To fix it :
command.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
var lines = (lineBuffer + data).split("\n");
if(data[data.length-1] != '\n') {
lineBuffer = lines.pop();
lineBuffer = '';
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
Also, is there a missing stdout.setEncoding('utf8');