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Selectively disabling "Next Button" in Qualtrics for specific questions

I haven't played with any coding in years and I am struggling with understanding the template that Qualtrics provided for disabling the "Next Button" in a survey. The "Next Button" doesn't have to be disabled entirely (could be colored white). Since the survey is for research purposes, I need to keep the button from distracting participants on timed questions.

These are the two pages that I have looked at for coding.

If you have a better way to code this, or could explain the coding outline in greater depth for me, I'd appreciate the help.


  • A couple of things:

    1. Due to a recent change in Qualtrics, Anthony's solution doesn't always work in JFE. Sometimes the JS runs before the buttons are present. The solution is defer hiding the buttons:

      Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
          function hideEl(element) {
              if($(element)) $(element).hide();
    2. To eliminate the brief button flash while waiting for JS to do its thing, you can add a style tag at the end of the question text instead:

           #NextButton {display:none;}