I have a webpage written in MVC C#. I want to run some batch file (on a remote PC) on user action in this page. I have the following function to run batch files on remote PC:
public bool runBatch(string address, string batchFile, string pwd, string username) {
try {
string AppPath = address;
string strFilePath = AppPath + batchFile;
Process proc = new Process();
proc.StartInfo.FileName = strFilePath;
proc.StartInfo.UserName = username;
proc.StartInfo.Domain = "localdomain";
System.Security.SecureString secret = new System.Security.SecureString();
foreach (char c in pwd)
proc.StartInfo.Password = secret;
proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
while (!proc.HasExited) {
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return false;
throw ex;
and I call this function like this:
var run = runBatch("X.X.X.X:\\\\C:Users\\Admin\\Desktop\\", "ping.bat", "****", "Admin");
My PCs are in same IP domain and I have checked username and passwords multiple times, but I got an error
username and password incorrect
I'm really confused.can any one help me with that?
As some of friends help me with this question I will answer so maybe it can save time for another one. The problem with my code was that i was giving file adrress in a wrong way and. I have to call it like this:
var run = runBatch(@"\\x.x.x.x\C$\Users\Admin\Desktop\", "ping.bat", "****", "Admin");
Another thing to remember is that process can see shared folders on the path we gave!