I am trying to implement the selection of users from a given college and name. Here the name has fuzzy query. Following is the query in elastic search (v5.1.2) which gives me the desired result. But gives an error in Java
"query" : {
"bool": {
"must" : [{
"match": {
"collegeAccountCode": "DIT"
"match": {
"name" : {
"query": "Rahul",
"fuzziness" : "AUTO"
I tried to implement this using following java API (v5.1.2)
QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("name", studentName).fuzziness())
.must(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("collegeAccountCode", AccountId));
But I get an error saying :
"The method must(QueryBuilder) in the type BoolQueryBuilder is not applicable for the arguments
How to fix this error or is there any other way to implement this query ?
The problem is, that method fuziness()
without parameter return the current Fuzziness
, which is obviously isn't expected by must()
, and you need to do something like this:
.must(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("name", "Rahul").fuzziness(Fuzziness.AUTO))
.must(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("collegeAccountCode", "DIT"));
A piece of code, explaining the problem a bit more:
/** Sets the fuzziness used when evaluated to a fuzzy query type. Defaults to "AUTO". */
public MatchQueryBuilder fuzziness(Object fuzziness) {
this.fuzziness = Fuzziness.build(fuzziness);
return this;
/** Gets the fuzziness used when evaluated to a fuzzy query type. */
public Fuzziness fuzziness() {
return this.fuzziness;
You called, the second method, while you need to call the first one.