I want to create a generalized method with JOOq that updates a table (specified by a string) using values from a JSON object. I'm not including any validation of tables/fields in this example.
public void updateTable(String table, JsonObject data) {
Table<?> table = PUBLIC.getTable(table);
UpdateSetFirstStep<?> update = DSL.using(fooConfig).update(table);
// Loop through JSON {field1: value1, field2: value2, ...}
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : data) {
String fieldName = entry.getKey();
Field<?> field = table.field(fieldName);
Object value = entry.getValue();
// error: no suitable method found for set(Field<CAP#1>,CAP#2)
update.set(field, field.getType().cast(value));
But I get a compile time error: no suitable method found for set(Field<CAP#1>,CAP#2)
I think the problem is that the compiler doesn't know that the type of the field and the type of the value will be the same (hence CAP#1 and CAP#2).
Is there any way to accomplish this?
The simplest solution would be to use the UpdateSetStep.set(Map<? extends Field<?>, ?>)
method for this. It applies rather relaxed type safety doing the data type conversion for you (if possible):
public void updateTable(String table, JsonObject data) {
Table<?> table = PUBLIC.getTable(table);
.map(e -> new SimpleImmutableEntry(table.field(e.getKey()), e.getValue()))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue)))
.where(...) // Don't forget this! ;-)