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Triggering form validation programmatically in angular-js

I am using a custom directive to submit a form programmatically however no form validation is applied before submitting the form. I have called $setDirty() on the form field and $setSubmitted() on the form but the form is still submitted even if the required form field is empty.


export default class externalSubmit {
    constructor ($timeout) {
        this.$timeout = $timeout;
        this.restrict = 'A';
        this.scope = {};

    link($scope, $element, $attrs) {
        $scope.$on('submit-form', function(event, data){
            if( === $ ) {
              setTimeout(function() {

              * set form and fields to dirty
              * this should be enabling validation
              var $formScope = angular.element($element).scope();
              var $formController = $formScope[formName];

              angular.forEach($formController.$error.required, function(field) {

                // trigger form submit
              }, 0);   

    // Create an instance so that we can access this inside link
    static factory() {
        externalSubmit.instance = new externalSubmit();
        return externalSubmit.instance;


export default class FooController {
    constructor( $rootScope ) {

      this.$rootScope = $rootScope;
      this.item = {};   


    save() {
      alert('Save triggered');

    submitForm(id) {
        // if no form id given, use the first form in the content area
        if ( ! id ) id = $('form')[0].id;
        this.$rootScope.$broadcast('submit-form',{'id':id} );



<form external-submit id="primary" ng-submit="$" go-back="dashboard.home()">
    <input type="hidden" ng-model="$"/>
    <input required name="title" ng-model="$ctrl.item.title" type="text" />
    <button type="submit">Internal Submit</button>

<button type="submit" ng-click="$ctrl.submitForm()">External Submit</button>


  • The solution is to check $formController to see if the form is valid before triggering the submit handler.

    link($scope, $element, $attrs, $ctrl ) {      
        $scope.$on('submit-form', function(event, data){
            if( === $ ) {
              let formName = $;
              setTimeout(function() {
                // get the element scope
                var $formScope = angular.element($element).scope();
                // get the form controller using the form name
                var $formController = $formScope[formName];
                // check if form is valid before triggering submit
                if ( $formController.$valid ) {
                // required to update form styles
              }, 0);   