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How to get SLIME up and running based on documentation?

I'm trying to get started with SBCL (for macOS). I've installed SBCL, but now I'm trying to get Emacs (for macOS) and SLIME working. However, I must be missing something in the docs because when I try this:

M-x package-install RET slime RET

I get "[No match]".

I'm following the instructions for SLIME and MELPA. I installed Emacs for macOS 24.5-1 because I'm not sure Emacs 25 has package.el built in.

So what else am I missing?


  • You may have to make Emacs download the package list first by running M-x list-packages. After that, M-x package-install should work.

    (Also, Emacs 25 does have package.el built in.)