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Stream Read/Write Timeout causes Invalid Operation Exception

I am trying to get a request from an API using:

RestClient client = new RestClient(""
    + apiSecret + "&payer_id=" + payerID + "&service_provider_organization_name=" + 
    providerOrgName + "&provider_npi=" + NPI + "&member_id=" + ptPolicyID + 
    "&member_first_name=" + ptFirstName + "&member_last_name=" + ptLastName 
    + "&member_dob=" + ptDOB + &date=" + DOS + "&service_type=" + serviceType +

var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
string response271 = response.Content;
Stream response271Stream = StringStream.GenerateStreamFromString(response271);

I keep getting the error on the Line:

Stream response271Stream = StringStream.GenerateStreamFromString(response271)

That says:

'response271Stream.ReadTimeout' threw an exception of type System.InvalidOperationException'

And here is a picture for reference:

enter image description here

This is just one of a few calls I want to use with this API. Can anyone help me figure out why it failed upon my request to Stream the API's response? Thanks!


  • For anyone who comes to this page, The issue was an unexpected null variable which went unhandled in the API. Without a response, the request was timing out. My fix was to first, try to allow for timeouts with my client. Once in place, I was able to narrow down issue to the data itself and there was my problem.

    This answer is coming back very late, but I will try to get to questions anyone might have regarding my answer in the future.