I have Hours ytd measure with the following syntax:
Aggregate(PeriodsToDate([Dim Time].[Fiscal Hierarchy].[Fiscal Year],
[Dim Time].[Fiscal Hierarchy].CurrentMember),[Measures].[Hours])
And i have normal hours (1):
([Dim Product].[Product hours type 2].&[1],[Measures].[Hours])
Now i'm trying to combine both of these, to have normal hours counting from the start of the fiscal year.
Tried the following and many more, but all return NULL:
Aggregate(PeriodsToDate([Dim Time].[Fiscal Hierarchy].[Fiscal Year],
[Dim Time].[Fiscal Hierarchy].CurrentMember),
([Dim Product].[Product hours type 2].&[1],[Measures].[Hours]))
Good night of sleep solved the issue..
(Aggregate((PeriodsToDate([Dim Time].[Fiscal Hierarchy].[Fiscal Year],[Dim Time].[Fiscal Hierarchy].CurrentMember),[Dim Product].[Product hours type 2].&[1]),[Measures].[Hours]))