res = Array of results retrieved
res = [ Object, Object, Object... Object ]
Each Object looks like this:
"userId": "ab1ce",
"groupId": "a1de2"
Now, the results has an array of objects like this, how do i access the userId present in those Objects?
If you're using it in loopback you can use the inq property in the where clause so as to search something from inside the Array e.g:
modelname.method({ where: { "property": { inq [ ] } } }, (err, res) => {
if(err) { return console.error(err);
} else {
return true;
The inq operator checks whether the value of the specified property matches any of the values provided in an array. The general syntax is:
{where: { property: { inq: [val1, val2, ...]}}}
property is the name of a property (field) in the model being queried.
val1, val2, and so on, are literal values in an array.
Example of inq operator:
Posts.find({where: {id: {inq: [123, 234]}}},
function (err, p){... });
Answer is Specific to Loopback.