Search code examples

InitSelection not work in Select2 4.0.3 js

I am using select2, everithing working fine but default selection not work,

I am using select2 4.0.3 js

I am using initSelection, but its display like this screenshot,

enter image description here

var data = <?php echo $cat_json; ?>;
function templateResult(node) {
    var $result = $('<span style="padding-left:' + (20 * node.level) + 'px;">' + node.text + '</span>');
    return $result;
function formatSelection(node) {
    return node.sel_text;
    initSelection: function (element, callback) {
        var file_id = 29;
            url: "/admin/folders/get_selected_cat/" + file_id,
            dataType: "json",
        }).done(function (data) {   
            console.log(data); //Object {id: "1", text: "Product"}
    placeholder: 'Select an option',
    width: "600px",
    tags: true,
    data: data,
    templateSelection: formatSelection,
    templateResult: templateResult,

can you please help me to fix this?



  • You have to trigger selected value

    var selected = [{id: "20"}]; 
    var data = <?php echo $cat_json; ?>;
    function templateResult(node) {
        var $result = $('<span style="padding-left:' + (20 * node.level) + 'px;">' + node.text + '</span>');
        return $result;
    function formatSelection(node) {
        return node.sel_text;
        placeholder: 'Select an option',
        width: "600px",
        tags: true,
        data: data,
        templateSelection: formatSelection,
        templateResult: templateResult,

    I hope this code will work.