How do you make the thumbnails in Fancybox vertical along the side (preferrably left) instead of horizontally on the bottom?
in jquery.fancybox-thumbs.css
#fancybox-thumbs ul li {
float: left;
padding: 1px;
opacity: 0.5;
should be
#fancybox-thumbs ul li {
/*float: left;*/
padding: 1px;
opacity: 0.5;
And in jquery.fancybox-thumbs.js
this.list.width(this.width * ( + 1)).css('left', Math.floor($(window).width() * 0.5 - (obj.index * this.width + this.width * 0.5)));
Should be:
this.width = opts.width
Again in jquery.fancybox-thumbs.js
onUpdate: function (opts, obj) {
if (this.list) {
'left': Math.floor($(window).width() * 0.5 - (obj.index * this.width + this.width * 0.5))
}, 150);
Should be (to center the thumbnail div vertically) :
onUpdate: function (opts, obj) {
if (this.list) {
var listpos=(obj.index+1) * (opts.height+2)-(opts.height+2) * 0.5
if (listpos < Math.floor($(window).height()*0.5)) {
var top_=0
} else {
var top_= - (listpos-Math.floor($(window).height()*0.5))
'top': top_
}, 150);
Also add into "init" method to set the width of the thumbnail div (in jquery.fancybox-thumbs.js):
Fix after this line:
this.wrap = $('<div id="fancybox-thumbs"></div>').addClass(opts.position).appendTo('body');
To this:
this.wrap = $('<div id="fancybox-thumbs"></div>').addClass(opts.position).appendTo('body');
Also in init you can add this, and mousewheel will scroll the tmumbnails (Jquery mousewheel plugin must be included):
$("#fancybox-thumbs").mousewheel(function(event, delta) {
var current_top=parseInt($("#fancybox-thumbs").css('top'), 10)
if (current_top+delta * 100<=2) {
$("#fancybox-thumbs").css('top',current_top+delta * 100)