Supposing the following experiment : Execute the same bernoulli trial (with the probability of success P) N number of times
I need the following information : All the possible sequences of success/failure with its probability to happen.
Example : A Bernouilli experiment with a probability of success P = 40% executed 3 times would yield the following results (S is a success, F is a failure) :
FFF 0.216
SFF 0.144
FSF 0.144
SSF 0.096
FFS 0.144
SFS 0.096
FSS 0.096
SSS 0.064
I tried to bruteforce it to obtain the results, but it chokes rapidly with only N = 25, I get an OutOfMemoryException...
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static Dictionary<string, double> finalResultProbabilities = new Dictionary<string, double>();
static void Main(string[] args)
// OutOfMemoryException if I set it to 25 :(
//var nbGames = 25;
var nbGames = 3;
var probabilityToWin = 0.4d;
CalculateAverageWinningStreak(string.Empty, 1d, nbGames, probabilityToWin);
// Do something with the finalResultProbabilities data...
static void CalculateAverageWinningStreak(string currentResult, double currentProbability, int nbGamesRemaining, double probabilityToWin)
if (nbGamesRemaining == 0)
finalResultProbabilities.Add(currentResult, currentProbability);
CalculateAverageWinningStreak(currentResult + "S", currentProbability * probabilityToWin, nbGamesRemaining - 1, probabilityToWin);
CalculateAverageWinningStreak(currentResult + "F", currentProbability * (1 - probabilityToWin), nbGamesRemaining - 1, probabilityToWin);
I need to be able to support up to N = 3000 in a timely manner (obtaining the result in less than 3 seconds for any P)
Is there a mathematical way to do this optimally?
Here's a different approach, which is exact and fast enough being only quadratic. The expected value of the longest win streak is equal to
sum Pr(there exists a win streak of length at least k).
We reason about the probability as follows. Either the record opens with a length-k
win streak (probability pwin**k
), or it opens with j
wins for some j in 0..k-1
followed by a loss (probability pwin**j * (1 - pwin)
), on which condition the probability is equal to the probability of a length-k
win streak in n - (j + 1)
tries. We use memoization to evaluate the recurrence that this logic implies in pwinstreak
; the faster version in fastpwinstreak
uses algebra to avoid repeated summations.
def avglongwinstreak(n, pwin):
return sum(fastpwinstreak(n, pwin, k) for k in range(1, n + 1))
def pwinstreak(n, pwin, k):
memo = [0] * (n + 1)
for m in range(k, n + 1):
memo[m] = pwin**k + sum(pwin**j * (1 - pwin) * memo[m - (j + 1)]
for j in range(k))
return memo[n]
def fastpwinstreak(n, pwin, k):
pwink = pwin**k
memo = [0] * (n + 1)
windowsum = 0
for m in range(k, n + 1):
memo[m] = pwink + windowsum
windowsum = pwin * windowsum + (1 - pwin) * (memo[m] - pwink *
memo[m - k])
return memo[n]
print(avglongwinstreak(3000, 0.4))
Version that allows error:
def avglongwinstreak(n, pwin, abserr=0):
avg = 0
for k in range(1, n + 1):
p = fastpwinstreak(n, pwin, k)
avg += p
if (n - k) * p < abserr:
return avg
def fastpwinstreak(n, pwin, k):
pwink = pwin**k
memo = [0] * (n + 1)
windowsum = 0
for m in range(k, n + 1):
memo[m] = pwink + windowsum
windowsum = pwin * windowsum + (1 - pwin) * (memo[m] - pwink *
memo[m - k])
return memo[n]
print(avglongwinstreak(3000, 0.4, 1e-6))