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ELK stack - How do i backfill all old logs into elasticsearch?

Ive got ELK + filebeat set up with logs coming in, but want to backfill all the old logs into logstash/ES. How can I do this? People have mentioned deleting sincedb file and/or adding this to my logstash input.conf:

  file {
      path => "/var/log/xx/xx.log"
      start_position => "beginning"
      sincedb_path => "/dev/null"

But I added it to my input conf and restarted logstash and still don't see old logs in Kibana. I also can't find the sincedb_* file that everyone refers to. My ELK node is a RHEL server.



  • If those files are old, it's a good idea to also add ignore_older => 0 to your config.

      file {
          path => "/var/log/ptsfd-mms/ptsfd-mms.log"
          start_position => "beginning"
          sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
          ignore_older => 0