I am trying to add a backing box to a Text label in an SVG document. The process is working ok except that the svg.createElement step is also creating an entry in my XML file like this xmlns=""
This entry seems to be causing my SVG file (XML) to not display correctly on my JSVG canvas. If I manually edit the file and remove this entry then the XML displays correctly.
My code snippet is shown below.
if(domElement instanceof SVGOMTextElement) {
SVGOMTextElement text = (SVGOMTextElement) domElement;
NodeList tspans = text.getElementsByTagName("tspan");
for(int i = 0; i < tspans.getLength(); i++){
Node node = tspans.item(i);
SVGOMTSpanElement tspan = (SVGOMTSpanElement) node;
Element backBox = svg.createElementNS(null,"rect");
backBox.setAttributeNS(null,"id", "backingRect-attx" + String.valueOf(Math.round(tspan.getExtentOfChar(0).getX())) + "atty" + String.valueOf(Math.round(tspan.getExtentOfChar(0).getY())));
backBox.setAttributeNS(null,"width", String.valueOf(tspan.getComputedTextLength()));
backBox.setAttributeNS(null,"height", String.valueOf(tspan.getExtentOfChar(0).getHeight()));
backBox.setAttributeNS(null,"style", "fill:green;fill-opacity:0.5");
backBox.setIdAttributeNS(null,"id", Boolean.TRUE);
text.getParentNode().insertBefore(backBox, text);
The XML tag that this code generates is shown below,
<rect xmlns="" width="59.89038" style="fill:yellow;fill-opacity:0.5"
id="backingRect-attx407atty427" height="16.734436"/>
So the question is how can I stop this attribute (xmlns=""
) from being added to my SVG XML output file?
I've tried to debug through the code but I cant see an attribute "xmlns" created after the line,
Element backBox = svg.createElementNS(null,"rect");
I was trying to execute a removeAttribute step but this didn't work (as I couldn't find a xmlns attribute).
I am using Apache Batik ver 1.8
Any help would be much appreciated.
The xmlns="" namespace declaration is generated because you chose to put your element in the null namespace.
Element backBox = svg.createElementNS(null,"rect");
If you create your element in the SVG namespace all should be well.