i will run a cocos project in android Studio but when type command cocos compile -p android in cmd.exe say error in ndk. and android.mk is :
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
$(call import-add-path,$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../cocos2d)
$(call import-add-path,$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../cocos2d/external)
$(call import-add-path,$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../cocos2d/cocos)
LOCAL_MODULE := cocos2dcpp_shared
LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME := libcocos2dcpp
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hellocpp/main.cpp \
../../Classes/AppDelegate.cpp \
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := cocos2dx_static
$(call import-module,.)
As now According to me you are using NDK 12 or greater.
These NDK by default add arm64-v8a
architecture support. You don't have libfreetype.a
file in cocos2d/external/freetype2/prebuilt/android/arm64-v8a/
folder because cocos2d not generate by default, it slow down the compiling speed.
Solution is you can use NDK 11 or lesser
otherwise use latest version of cocos2d-x and enable ABI support to all arch armeabi armeabi-v7a x86 arm64-v8a
instead of armeabi
Some of concerning topic/issue