I have the following code:
var schemaExport = new SchemaExport(cfg);
schemaExport.Drop(false, true);
schemaExport.Create(false, true);
.Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<ProductMap>())
The above code successfully creates the two tables defined elsewhere, but when I do "Edit top 200 rows" in SSMS, I find that the cells are read-only.
There is no obvious mention of any read-only directive in the code files, mappings, or anywhere else.
Why is the schema generated as read-only?
I am using VS 2010, .NET 4 Client FW, FluentNHibernate, NHibernate, Iesi.Collections, on Windows 7 Ultimate x86.
The above code is from this book: NHibernate 3 Beginner's Guide [2011]
I don't think this is related to NH or the fluent mappings. It sounds more like a SQL Server/SMSS issue. Have you got enough privilege to alter the data?