I have made two functions to parse the CSV data with Papaparse, and one function to get the value from that data. The two functions use a return statement.
The problem I have is that the data I receive in Papaparse is always undefined. The value I would like to get is a mean value of the data in the CSV file. Here is a code snippet of where I would like the mean to be received:
function parseData() {
var csvfile = "probeersel11.csv";
$.get(csvfile, function (data) {
var csvdata = Papa.parse(data, {
header: true,
skipEmptyLines: true,
dynamicTyping: true
The question is: how do I receive the right value here?
Papa.parse(file, config)
file is a File object obtained from the DOM.
config is a config object which contains a callback.
Doesn't return anything. Results are provided asynchronously to a callback function.
so csvdata
will be empty. You should specify callback in your config and only then pass somewhere else