I want to create a LocalDB database in a way that MDF and LDF files stay on script execution folder.
I know that we can easily do command substitutions with $
operator in PowerShell, so, if I state something like $pwd
it will make a substitution with the output of pwd
From here, I know that Invoke-SqlCmd
is not a straightforward way of doing things with LocalDB instances.
I want to execute the following command through PowerShell. How could I accomplish that?
sqlcmd -S "(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB" -Q "
NAME = N'Test',
FILENAME = N'<$pwd output here>\Test.mdf'
NAME = N'Test_log',
FILENAME = N'<$pwd output here>\Test_log.ldf'
This might be a lot more than you are asking, but it will solve your issue.
This will ask you if you want to restore from a template if no then it will create an empty database.
$confirmation = Read-Host "Do you want to use a DB template? [y/n]"
If($confirmation.ToUpper().StartsWith("Y") )
$dbCommand = "use [master];RESTORE DATABASE [$DBName] " + "FROM DISK = N'$backupFilePath'" + "WITH FILE = 1, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10, " + "move '$TempDB' to '$Datafilepath" + "\" + "$DBName" + ".mdf', " + "move '$TempDBlog' to '$Logfilepath" + "\" + "$DBName" + ".ldf';" + "alter database [$DBName] modify file (name=N'$TempDB ', newname=N'$DBName" + "_data1');" + "alter database [$DBName] modify file (name=N'$TempDBlog', newname=N'$DBName" + "_log1');" + "alter database [$DBName] set read_committed_snapshot on with rollback immediate;" + "alter database [$DBName] set COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL = 100;"
else {
$dbCommand = "use [master];CREATE DATABASE [$DBName] ON " + "( NAME='$DBName" + "_data1', FILENAME='$Datafilepath" + "\" + "$DBName" + "_data1.mdf', SIZE=1GB, MAXSIZE=UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH=200MB)" + "LOG ON ( NAME='$DBName" + "_log1', FILENAME='$Logfilepath" + "\" + "$DBName" + "_log1.ldf', SIZE=1GB, MAXSIZE=UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH=200MB); " + "alter database [$DBName] set read_committed_snapshot on with rollback immediate;" + "alter database [$DBName] set COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL = 100; " + "set AUTO_CLOSE OFF;"
Someone will have to edit this into nice looking code break, because it is not allowing me to do it.