I want to access some parameters in my backing bean on tab click.I used but i'm not able to fetch parameters from it.Here's my code:
<p:ajax event="tabChange" listener="#{maintab.tabchangelistener}" />
<c:forEach items="#{maintab.random}" var="field">
<p:tab title="Title">
<p:tabView prependId="false" cache="false" dynamic="true">
<p:tab title="ABC" style="outline: 0;">
<f:attribute name="parameter" value="#{field.name}"/>
My tabchangelistener function is :
public void tabchangelistener(TabChangeEvent event){
String par=(String)event.getTab().getAttributes().get("parameter");
I would suggest some javascript approach here using JSF pass-through attributes with the namespace xmlns:pt="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/passthrough"
Something as below:
<c:forEach items="#{maintab.random}" var="field">
<p:tab title="Title">
<p:tabView prependId="false" cache="false" dynamic="true">
<p:tab title="ABC" style="outline: 0;" pt:data-name="#{field.name}" />
Then, on the javascript functions handleTabChange and handleTabShow, you can just use some plain jQuery code to find the tab you want, and get the corresponding data-name pass-through attribute.
Once you have it, you can trigger some <p:remoteCommand> calling whatever action listener you want, passing the field as a parameter, so you can get it inside the action listener as a request parameter.
Something like:
<p:remoteCommand name="remoteTabActionListener" actionListener="#{maintab.tabActionlistener}" />
function handleTabShow(index) {
var pass_through_field = $("expression to find the correct tab").attr("data-name");
remoteTabActionListener([{name: 'my_field', value: pass_through_field}]);
So finally, in your java action listener, you can retrieve the field:
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Map<String, String> params = fc.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
String page = params.get("my_field");
Not sure if this will work, but maybe can give you some ideas on how to achieve your goal ...