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Negative Number in fillRect()

I am using a negative number to have fillRect() go the opposite way. It works well on my computer, but my friends cannot see it working properly. What do I do?

page.fillRect (12, 12, -5, 10);


  • My guess is that you and your freind are using 2 different versions of Java. your supports fillrect with a negative value and your freind's doesn't. (or even sdk vs jre).

    what that shows is that you should write this a different way to have your applet run on all versions.

    why not simply move your x of -5 ?

    if you want to do it in a more neat way

    public void myfillRect(graphics page, int x, int y, int width, int height){
        if(width <0)
        if(height <0)
        page.rectfill(x,y,Math.abs(width), Math.abs(height));