Similar questions to this have been asked but not exactly like this. There is one that is very close, but that solution is not working for me.
I have a function which returns comma separated values into a cell. I would like to pass the elements in that cell as criteria to a SUMIFS
function using an approach like this one.
My attempt is pictured below:
I believe that this is somehow tied to the way that the function is understanding what is in cell G8. It looks like it is adding some extra quotes. If I highlight G8 in the formula bar and press F9, I get:
There are extra quotes on each side of each criteria.
I am open to a custom VBA function solution, but I would prefer something which can be built as a worksheet function. The criteria are returned from a custom VBA function that pulls elements out of a list box and does some regex work to remove extra commas. The number of elements that can be selected is variable so I would like to avoid having to split the criteria into more than one cell. Thanks.
Seems that the raw comma-separated criteria is in G6
, All you need is to split this criteria into an array and feed it to SUMIFS
. Splitting is available in VBA, but not exposed to Excel. All we need is to write a little UDF that does the splitting of the CSV and use it in our formula:
Function splitCSV(str As String)
splitCSV = Split(str, ",")
End Function
Now the formula in F10
would be:
=SUM(SUMIFS(C3:C10, B3:B10, "blue", A3:A10, splitCSV(G6)))
The above is an array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter). To have it a normal formula we can use SUMPRODUCT
instead of SUM
. This leads to more flexibility (normal formula vs array formula) as well as some "expected" performance improvement.
=SUMPRODUCT(SUMIFS(C3:C10, B3:B10, "blue", A3:A10, splitCSV(G6)))