I have the following code, in which I find a resource by its e-mail.
val varn = "x"
val query = createQuery("""SELECT ?${varn}
WHERE { ?x <http://www.w3.org/2001/vcard-rdf/3.0#EMAIL> "${email}" }""")
val qexec = createQueryExecution(ds, query)
val rs = qexec.execSelect()
if (rs.hasNext()) {
val solution = rs.nextSolution()
val rec = solution[varn]
// Here I need to find the value of the property FirstContactTime
Now I want to find out whether rec
has a property FirstContactTime
and if yes, its value.
I tried rec.model.listObjectsOfProperty(ds.defaultModel.createProperty(FirstContactTime))
but it doesn't return anything. The debugger says rec
does have a property FirstContactTime
How can I get the value of FirstContactTime
) in my code?
Note that the property in the data is FirstContactDateTime
not FirstContactTime
The SPARQL you're looking for is something like this --
PREFIX vcard: <http://www.w3.org/2001/vcard-rdf/3.0#>
PREFIX ex: <http://example.com/schema/person/>
SELECT ?user ?email ?firstcontact
{ ?x vcard:EMAIL ?email .
OPTIONAL { ?x ex:firstContactDateTime ?firstcontact }