I have a react component InfoPanel
that I want to update the state of when I click on a third party control gantt chart
. I have only done this with flux to allow components to communicate with each other. I am not sure how to change the state of the InfoPanel
Component when the third party control event onTaskClick
Here is the event that fires for the third party control.
class InfoPanelService {
constructor() {
OnTaskClick() {
//event from a third party control
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskClick", function (id, e) {
var tasks = gantt.getTaskByTime();
var task = tasks[id];
//determine the task type and get the data
return true;
InitInfoPanel() {
Here is my InfoPanel
var InfoPanel = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return { data: {
project: {},
subProject: {},
activity: {}
} };
render: function() {
return (<div>
...tables with the state values
... too long to post
Should I add something like this to my component? <InfoPanel OnTaskClick = infoPanelService.OnTaskClick
/> instead of attaching the event right away inside of the constructor and pass in that function from the service as props? This way the component is completely dumb and I can easily throw it and reuse it.
onResourceSelect() {
My suggestion would be to wait till the component is mounted tehn proceed like this since it is a custom/3rd party triggered event:
componentDidMount() {
//component is mounted/inserted to DOM,
// Attach your 3td party/custom event listener
this.getDOMNode().addEventListener("onTaskClick", ()=>{/*handle it here*/});