I have a method that takes an object and a string (the string being the name of a field on the object). So i get the field from the object class and use the field.get(object) to get the value. But I want to cast that value to whatever class the field was defined as. Is there a way to do that cast without needing to use @suppressWarnings("unchecked")?
Here is my code. I shortened it to only use one object, but the original used a list of objects and returns a map with map-keys being the objects' values for the field and map-values being the object.
public static <T1,T2> T2 getFieldValue(T1 obj, String fieldName){
Field field = null;
T2 value = null;
try {
field = obj.getClass().getField( fieldName );
} catch ( NoSuchFieldException e ) { ... }
if ( field != null ){
try {
value = (T2)field.get(obj); // <--- unchecked cast!!!
} catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) { ... }
return value;
I would recommend passing in an argument for the class of T2
if possible. By passing in the Class<T2>
you are able to call the cast
method. This method will throw a ClassCastException
if the cast is invalid. This will also remove the unchecked warnings messages.
public static <T1, T2> T2 getFieldValue(T1 obj, String fieldName, Class<T2> cls) {
Field field = null;
T2 value = null;
try {
field = obj.getClass().getField(fieldName);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
if (field != null) {
try {
value = cls.cast(field.get(obj)); // <--- no unchecked cast!!!
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
return value;