I am using sencha cmd 6.2
for creating mobile friendly app, when i load login form and click submit it doesnot create view.
here is my code for login controller
onLoginClick: function (button, event, options) {
var x = Ext.create("park.view.main.Main");
and my login view for button handler
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Login',
iconAlign: 'right',
iconCls: 'x-fa fa-angle-right',
ui: 'confirm',
handler: 'onLoginClick'
Main.js is the default js which is create from sencha generate app -ext
I dont know clearly how modern toolkit for ext js work but it seem like if you want to move to another view, you have to remove previous view (recent)
Ext.Viewport.remove(Ext.Viewport.getActiveItem(), true);
then add a new view in viewport
like this
here is full code of onLoginClick to work around
onLoginClick: function (button, event, options) {
// This would be the ideal location to verify the user's credentials via
// a server-side lookup. We'll just move forward for the sake of this example.
clientId = Ext.getCmp('companyCode').getValue();
username = Ext.getCmp('username').getValue();
var password = Ext.getCmp("password").getValue();
var user = new loginDTO(username, password, clientId);
url: sessionStorage.getItem("base_url") + 'login',
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'CLIENT-ID': clientId},
params: Ext.JSON.encode(user),
success: function (conn, response, options, eOpts) {
var result = Ext.JSON.decode(conn.responseText);
if (result.code == "200") {
tokenDATA = Ext.JSON.decode(result.data);
sessionStorage.setItem("clientId", clientId);
sessionStorage.setItem("token", tokenDATA);
clientId = Ext.getCmp('companyCode').getValue();
var x = Ext.create("park.view.main.Main");
var page = Ext.getCmp("mainView");
Ext.Viewport.remove(Ext.Viewport.getActiveItem(), true);
} else if (result.code == "401") {
Ext.Msg.alert("<p class='errorMessageHeader'><i class='fa fa-exclamation-triangle' aria-hidden='true'></i> Login Unsuccessful</p>", "<p class='errorMessage'>" + result.message + "</p>"
failure: function (conn, response, options, eOpts) {
Ext.Msg.alert("<p class='errorMessageHeader'><i class='fa fa-exclamation-triangle' aria-hidden='true'></i> Login Unsuccessful</p>", "<p class='errorMessage'>Please try again with valid credential</p>"