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NHibernate Fluent Add external Assembly mappings

I have a project with my mappings and entities stored in other class libraries and NHibernate layers in another project. In my testing project I would like to add these mapping via fluently configure... Mappings... via assebly and not individually. In my code below you can see I added just one entity.. But I would like to configure it to scan my other assemblies. I am sure I am just missing the obvious here.. any pointers would be greatly appreciated...

    public void Can_generate_schemaFluently()
        var cfg = new Configuration();  

        Configuration configuration = null;
        ISessionFactory SessionFactory = null;
        ISession session = null;

        SessionFactory = Fluently.Configure(cfg)
            *** WOULD LIKE TO ADD MY ASSEBLIES and autoscan for objects instead ***
          .Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings
           .ExposeConfiguration(x => configuration = x)

        session = SessionFactory.OpenSession();

        object id;
        using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction())
            var result = session.Get<StudentEO>(1541057);
            Assert.AreEqual(result.StudId, 1541057);



  • AutoMapping

    If you want to filter through types, you can use the IAutomappingConfiguration and derive from DefaultAutomappingConfiguration like this:

    public class StandardConfiguration : DefaultAutomappingConfiguration
        public override bool ShouldMap(Type type)
            // Entity is the base type of all entities
            return typeof(Entity).IsAssignableFrom(type);

    You can also use DefaultAutomappingConfiguration if you have no need to filter. But my further example uses the StandardConfiguration.

    Change your configuration like this, to populate your types to FluentNHibernate:

    SessionFactory = Fluently.Configure(cfg)
        .Mappings(m => MapMyTypes(m))
        .ExposeConfiguration(x => configuration = x)

    And the MapMyTypes method should look like this:

    private void MapMyTypes(MappingConfiguration m)
        m.AutoMappings.Add(AutoMap.Assemblies(new StandardConfiguration(), 

    You can add multiple Assemblies and all get filtered through the StandardConfiguration.



    It seems that i misread your question. To add mappings you can use a similar method to achieve that but without a IAutomappingConfiguration. Just change the MapMyTypes method to:

    private void MapMyTypes(MappingConfiguration m)


    You can also combine the FluentMapping and the AutoMapping like this:

    private Action<MappingConfiguration> MapMyTypes()
        return m =>