We are building a project that is using the Xilium/CefGlue Mono library, in order to render our user-interface in a Chromium embedded frame. Pages load and display in an NSWindow. JavaScript is executed on the page and on page events.
However, the application crashes with a FATAL message when calling
anywhere in the page's JavaScript. Last bit of output prior to the crash is
FATAL:message_pump_mac.mm(765) Check Failed: [NSApp conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CrAppProtocol)]
Is this related? Is there some way we can have NSApp conform to this protocol in C#/Mono?
For more information, here is a similar topic posted in the CEF forum
See this comment in include/cef_application_mac.h:
// All CEF client applications must subclass NSApplication and implement this
// protocol.
@protocol CefAppProtocol<CrAppControlProtocol>