Hy community, That's my code. It runs with no errors or warning. By the way if you look at x.df (final database) there something wrong at SMA & Bollinger bands columns. They are both "NA" filled. Then, BBands drops some columns after merge. What's wrong ?
stockData <- new.env() #Make a new environment for quantmod to store data in
tickers <- c("AAPL","GOOG","YHOO","FB") # choose Symbols
start_date <- as.Date("2014-01-01") #Set start date
getSymbols(tickers, src="yahoo", env=stockData, from=start_date) # get data
x <- list()
# loop on tickers
for (i in 1:length(tickers)) {
x[[i]] <- get(tickers[i], pos=stockData) # get data from stockData environment
colnames(x[[i]]) <- c("Open", "High", "Low", "Close","Volume", "Adjusted") # rename Header for all tables in list
x[[i]]$gl <-((Cl(x[[i]])-Op(x[[i]]))/Op(x[[i]]))*100 # Daily gain loss percentage
SMA.n10 <- SMA(x[[i]][,4],n = 10) # Calculate moving averages (MA) on "Close Price" <-column(4)
BBands<- BBands(x[[i]][,2:4])
x[[i]]$Symbol<- 0 # create "0" vector for Symbol name
x[[i]]$Symbol<- tickers[[i]] # add Symbol name
x[[i]]<-data.frame(x[[i]],SMA.n10[[i]],BBands[[i]]) # merge data
x.df<- do.call(rbind, x) # call rbind to merge all xts objs in a single dataframe
EDIT: My goal is to obtain a single dataframe (x.df) with the following columns:
"Open", "High", "Low","Close","Volume", "Adjusted", Symbol,"SMA10", "dn","mavg","up","pctB".
But if you run the code you can see NA values on SMA columns. ThentThere is no trace about "dn","mavg","up","pctB" ( Bollinger Bands values).
This corrects some mistakes in your code:
x <- list()
# loop on tickers
for (i in 1:length(tickers)) {
x[[i]] <- get(tickers[i], pos=stockData) # get data from stockData environment
colnames(x[[i]]) <- c("Open", "High", "Low", "Close","Volume", "Adjusted") # rename Header for all tables in list
x[[i]]$gl <-((Cl(x[[i]])-Op(x[[i]]))/Op(x[[i]]))*100 # Daily gain loss percentage
SMA.n10 <- SMA(x[[i]][,4],n = 10) # Calculate moving averages (MA) on "Close Price" <-column(4)
BBands<- BBands(x[[i]][,2:4])
x[[i]]$Symbol<- 0 # create "0" vector for Symbol name
x[[i]]$Symbol<- tickers[i] # add Symbol name
x[[i]]<-data.frame(x[[i]], coredata(SMA.n10), coredata(BBands)) # merge data
x.df<- do.call(rbind, x) # call rbind to merge all xts objs in a single dataframe
You should learn about the differences between subsetting vectors, lists, dataframes with []
and [[]]
. I recommend this resource for learning more: http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Subsetting.html
returns the underlying matrix of values, which works as expected provided NROW(SMA.n10) == NROW(x[[i]])
while SMA.n10[[i]]
returns NA
, and with recycling rules in R will create a column of NA
values in data.frame(.....)
, not what you expect.
Something like this is a better way of arranging your data if you want to include a correct "time/date" column in x.df
(using the row names of x.df
to hold the times, as you do in your code, gives nonsensical values when you're binding data across symbols):
x <- list()
# loop on tickers
for (i in 1:length(tickers)) {
tmp <- get(tickers[i], pos=stockData) # get data from stockData environment
colnames(tmp) <- c("Open", "High", "Low", "Close","Volume", "Adjusted") # rename Header for all tables in list
tmp$gl <-((Cl(tmp)-Op(tmp))/Op(tmp))*100 # Daily gain loss percentage
SMA.n10 <- SMA(tmp[,4],n = 10) # Calculate moving averages (MA) on "Close Price" <-column(4)
BBands<- BBands(tmp[,2:4])
tmp <- merge(tmp, SMA.n10, BBands)
x[[i]]<-data.frame("time" = index(tmp), coredata(tmp), "Symbol" = tickers[i]) # merge data
x.df<- do.call(rbind, x) # call rbind to merge all xts objs in a single dataframe