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Using wildcards with Windows "Copy" and strings of varying length?

I have a file named !Template - Year End Report.doc.

I'm trying to use the following command:

copy !Template* customer_name*

The result is customer_nameear End Report.doc.

If I use a shorter name, like this:

copy !Template* cust1*

Then I get this output: cust1late - Year End Report.doc

How can I make it replace "!Template" with the customer name, regardless of length?


  • no chance to do it with just copy. Use a for to split the filenames:

    for /f "tokens=1* delims=-" %a in ('dir /b !Template*') do @echo copy "%a-%b" "cust -%b"

    (to use in a batchfile, use %%a and %%b instead of %a and %b)