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Finding out who calls jvm shutdown hook

I have Windows Desktop application based on Java.

I have kept defaultuncaughtexceptionahandler and shutdown hook in my application.

I have some user called exit points like , user clicks on exit, some error conditions etc. All the user exit points have proper logs which will be followed by the log in shutdown hook.

Now for one of my user the application is getting exited from time to time . here user is not calling any user exit points. Shutdown hook logs are printed. There is no exception from defaultuncaughtexception handler.

I am not able to find who calls the system.exit and hence the shutdown hook . Can i somehow find what calls the shutdown hook or system.exit () ? Printing of shutdown hooks makes me think that is a proper jvm shutdown not an abrupt one.

Best Regards, Saurav


  • If you suspect that someone invokes System.exit(…) or a similar function explicitly, you can intercept it with a SecurityManager:

    System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager() {
        public void checkExit(int status) {
            new Exception("exit attempt with return code "+status).printStackTrace();
        // note that all dedicated check... methods delegate to the two below,
        // so overriding these is sufficient to enable all other actions
        public void checkPermission(Permission perm, Object context) { }
        public void checkPermission(Permission perm) { }

    This, however, will not intercept shutdown caused by external events, like a TERM signal, etc.