Say I have the following:
export default DS.Model.extend({
analyses: DS.hasMany('analysis', { async: true }),
requiresAuth: Ember.computed.equal('analyses.@each.requiresAuth', true),
isAdjusted: Ember.computed.equal('analyses.@each.isAdjusted', true)
The idea is that I can query the top level model to see if any of the child analysis
models have isAdjusted
or requiresAuth
it's not working - hence the question - am I asking too much of ember data + computed?
I don't think you can use that dependent key syntax for Ember.computed.X
macros, so the current code you have doesn't do what you're expecting.
I suggest doing the logic yourself like this:
Ember.computed('analyses.@each.requiresAuth', function() {
return this.get('analyses').any(item => item.get('requiresAuth'));