On the web is lot of conversion tables between foot height and shoe size. Like here http://www.shoesize.com/men/sizechart/ I would like to ask if there is a math function between those two params. Fuction should looks like:
function getShoeSize(height in cm){
...type magic here...
return shoeSize; //size in EU format
It is clear that dependence is not very smooth:
So you can find closest cm size in array with binary search and check if neighbour size is closer (for example, for 26.5 cm binary search can find tabular value 26 as lesser value, but 26.7 is closer, so 42.5 size would fit better). Or use binary search implementation that finds upper value.
Edit: Due to very small array it is simpler to use linear search. Pseudocode:
idx = 0
while (CmSize[idx] < Foot_len) && (idx < CmSize.Length)
return EUSize[idx]