I know that we can retrieve list of user by using Sitefinity's UserManager class as explained in this documentation. However, i'm in a dire need to retrieve list of all user and roles using plain SQL which so far i had no success - my superior did not want to use a dummy page to list all user and roles. The only relation i can find is the ownership of a page and it's permission - that end up to roles. But i can't find a direct link from user to roles.
Anyway, i'm using Sitefinity 7.3, please give some insight..
Something like this should do the trick:
select user_name, r.nme as Role, *
from sf_users as u
join sf_user_link as ul
on u.id = ul.user_id
join sf_roles as r
on r.id = ul.role_id
order by u.user_name