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MFP8 - WASND installation Issue

I am trying to install MFP Product version: in my QA environment on WASND 8.5.5. Server topology is, DMGR, DB, WAS are in a Private VLAN and WEB(IHS) server in public VLAN. Seems like I missed some JNDI property.

In MFP Console, I am getting the below error:

FWLSE3002E: The resource is not found.
FWLSE3030E: The runtime "mfp" does not exist in the MobileFirst administration database. The database may be corrupted.

In MFP Console - Administration DB, Live Update, and Push Service are showing inactive.


  • See the JNDI properties such as mfp.admin.proxy*. under "Table 4. JNDI properties for administration service: proxies" in this link :

    Also verify that jmx JNDI properties are correctly set. You can find the JXM properties that needs to be set from the link :