I have Coordinates class and I want to make Coordinates object comparable.
public class Coordinates implements Comparable<Coordinates> {
private int row;
private int column;
The idea is to insert Coordinates objects into PriorityQueue and to get them out sorted.
public int compareTo(Coordinates o) {
if (row < o.row) {
return row;
if (row > o.row) {
return o.row;
if (row == o.row) {
if (column < o.column) {
return column;
if (column > o.column) {
return o.column;
// return 0;
This is my attempt but I am not sure what exactly am I expected to return and how to return it. I want my smallest coordinates to have highest priority. And the function I wrote still expects a return value - the commented line
I want 0,5 to have highest priority than 1,5 and 1,0 to have higher priority than 1,3
In effect you want a reverse sort. However, a priority queue places the lowest values first so natural order make the lowest values to appear first.
You want to return <0 for less than and >0 for greater than
public int compareTo(Coordinates o) {
if (row < o.row) return -1;
if (row > o.row) return +1;
if (column < o.column) return -1;
if (column > o.column) return +1;
return 0;
You can simplify this with Integer.compare
public int compareTo(Coordinates o) {
int cmp = Integer.compare(row, o.row);
if (cmp == 0)
cmp = Integer.compare(column, o.column);
return cmp;
Note: if you assume row and column are non-negative you can write
public int compareTo(Coordinates o) {
int cmp = row - o.row;
if (cmp == 0)
cmp = column - o.column;
return cmp;