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EPPlus copy a column's data into an empty column

I need to swap two columns in an Excel document using EPPlus. Or alternatively is there a way to copy a column into a freshly inserted column?


  • Found the answer in a comment on this answer to another question.

    > workSheet.Cells["A1:I1"].Copy(workSheet.Cells["A4:I4"]);

    but in order to copy say column 5 to column 2 you could do

    > workSheet.Cells[1,5,100,5].Copy(workSheet.Cells[1,2,100,2]);

    Instead of 100 you can plug in a maxvalue from one of your columns

    var max = worksheet.Column(index).ColumnMax

    Which allows you to have a less arbitrary

    > workSheet.Cells[1,5,max,5].Copy(workSheet.Cells[1,2,max,2]);