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Zingchart plotting X-axis with Times, not Dates

I want to plot data with my X-axis representing Timespans (elapsed times), not actual dates.

I have a series with the following (string) values:

times: "00:00:00", "00:01:00", "00:10:00", "00:11:00"

I parse these values into (int)

times: 0, 6000, 60000, 66000

But when I draw the graph, the hour field is wrong. It shows "2" instead of "0" or "00". Minutes and seconds seem fine: enter image description here

Here is my json code. I played with the Hours field, with no success:

// Description of the graph to be displayed
vm.chartJson = {
   type: 'line',
   scaleX: {
      transform: {  
         type: 'date',  
         all: '%H:%h:%G:%g:%i:%s'  
   series: [{ values: data }]

How can I display the Hours field, while still manipulating TIMES and not Datetimes? How would that go if the total number of hours goes above 24? I would be okay with either displaying the total number of hours, or adding a day field. Example: "124:22:01" or "5:4:22:01"

Thank you


  • Here is what I did to solve the issue:

    // Determine the format of x-axis
    var format = '%i:%s';
    if (data[data.length - 1][0] >= 3600000) format = '%G:%i:%s';
    // Description of the graph to be displayed
    vm.chartJson = {
      type: 'line',
         scaleX: {
         transform: {  
            type: 'date',  
            all: format
      series: [{ values: data }],
      "utc": true,
      "timezone": 0

    I can't display Hours more than 24, so I could display days if needed.