I'm using Wikitude (on Android with the Javascript APIs) to show a transparent video inside of the AR experience. I don't have a marker on which putting my video. That video has its coordinates (relative to the user's position) and I want to place it on an exact position so that the user can see it when its device is pointing towards that direction.
In order to do that I used an AR.RelativeLocation object and placed a VideoDrawable on a particular position.
// the location
var location = new AR.RelativeLocation(null, 5, 5, 0);
// the video
var video = new AR.VideoDrawable("assets/transparentVideo.mp4", 5, {
scale: {
x: 1,
y: 1,
z: 1
isTransparent: true,
onLoaded: this.worldLoaded
video.play(0) // the video starts immediately
// the GeoObject showing the video
var obj = new AR.GeoObject(location, {
drawables: {
cam: [video]
The problem is that the video is not stable at all. When I turn my device I see the video approximately on its position but it's not fixed: it moves following my camera movements for a while as if it would placed by using the movement sensor rather than the gyroscope. Is there a possibility to stabilize it?
The Wikitude Android SDK is not using the gyroscope at the moment but a combination of accelerometer and compass to calculate the orientation. There is also no method to change the accuracy. What you can try is calibrating your compass like described here: https://support.google.com/maps/answer/6145351?hl=en or here: https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/10145/how-can-i-calibrate-the-compass-on-my-phone and try to keep a distance to things that can influence the compass accuracy like other electrical devices.