Please see bellow code, that I use for filtering data.
listeners: {
keyup: function (e, t, eOpts) {
var text = e.getValue();
var s = Ext.getStore('TempSensorDetailsStore');
if (text) {
s.filterBy(function (rec) {
var str = (rec.get('vehicleNo')).toLowerCase();
var res = str.indexOf(text.toLowerCase());
if (res == 0) {
return true;
} else {
Above code get filter the data, But not as per my expectations,
Search Result showing record which is matching the first letter of vehicle Number should return the vehicle No if that character is present in Vehicle no
For Example. Vehicle No.Abc-37046 and if user search 37046 then also it returns vehicle
I got Solution,
There was just need to change code
if (res >- 1)
Instead of
if (res == 0)