I have two selects A and B which trigger on onchange event the same ajax request which rewrites some content area. If I click on the option A in select A onchange works well and ajax call rewrites the content. Then if I click on the option B in select B this ajax call also rewrites the content. And here is the problem. If I then want to select option A in select A which remained selected from the first action it does not triggers onchange event (cause is already selected).
How to solve it if click event is not supported on option tags? I tried to deselect option tag after onchange like
complete: function()
$(this).prop("selected", false);
but this also does not triggers onchange event even if option is deselected. How to solve it? Thanks.
Example https://jsfiddle.net/h7cokr6b/1/
complete: function()
$(this).prop("selectedIndex", 0); // It has to be default selected value's index.