I appreciate the help for the following with jsPDF AutoTable v2.3.0.
I have a table with images in the first column with the following style:
styles: {overflow: 'linebreak', columnWidth: 'wrap'},
columnStyles: {
0: {columnWidth: 25},
1: {columnWidth: 350}
When the table occupies two pages, the images do not fit correctly in the row.
Example: https://jsfiddle.net/shinseiki86/60qrh6e1/
Result: https://i.sstatic.net/PykQw.png
Fixed using the issue reported in the following link:
drawCell: function(cell, opts) {
if (opts.column.dataKey === 0 && opts.row.index < data.rows.length) {
elem: imgElements[opts.row.index],
x: cell.textPos.x,
y: cell.textPos.y