I am in a serious need of optimization of my some Unity projects and i have so many objects which are from 3DsMax, so i am wondering if Combining the meshes would have any effect on the memory/performance or i should leave the objects Instance to each other as it would save me some space.
This arise the question that what is the difference between Combined mesh objects or Instance Objects as it will save a lot of memory and hassle if one realy knows the difference and what is better
Looking forward for some Brief information about the two
Combining is useful if you have a lot of unique assets that only appear once or twice in a scene, e.g unique buildings in a 3D FPS, but not cloned houses in a SimCity style game. If you have a model that appears many times in a scene it's more performant to have Unity (automatically) batch them, this is Unity's default behaviour. e.g lets say your scene is in an art gallery; if the gallery contains a dozen distinct sculptures then combine them. If it contains a dozen of the same sculpture don't bother, Unity will batch them for you.
However, you should be wary of using different materials, each material adds to the draw count. So, if you had 10 of the same model but using 5 different materials it's going to be expensive. The way round this is to use a texture atlas with a single material, with different UV mapping for each models. This means you have a lot of different models, but save on render time due to the single material.
Also, be aware that transparent shaders much more expensive than opaque, if you have three semi transparent objects in front of each other that's at least 4 render passes.
As you probably know this is a complex subject with a lot of variables (many more than I can describe here) and is best judged by using the profiler.
Here are some general rules of thumb I've learned while creating a game for mobile which naturally is performance critical: