data ArticlePreview = ArticlePreview
{ _articlePreviewName :: T.Text
, _articlePreviewPerex :: T.Text
, _articlePreviewAuthorName :: T.Text
, _articlePreviewAuthorUrl :: T.Text
, _articlePreviewDate :: T.Text
, _articlePreviewCategoryName :: T.Text
, _articlePreviewCategoryUrl :: T.Text
, _articlePreviewCommentsCount :: Maybe Integer
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
makeFields ''ArticlePreview
I tried Aeson:
instance ToJSON ArticlePreview
instance FromJSON ArticlePreview
encodeToString :: ToJSON a => a -> String
encodeToString = CL.unpack . encode
Desired output:
I don't insist on Aeson, but it must be automatic (without manual definition that e.g. _articlePreviewCommentsCount
maps to commentsCount
You can derive FromJSON
using template Haskell from Data.Aeson.TH
which allows for some modifications:
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Char
defaultOptions {fieldLabelModifier = (_head %~ toLower) . drop 15}
t :: ArticlePreview
t = ArticlePreview "" "" "" "" "" "" "" (Just 12)
Then you get:
GHCI> encode t