Today i installed the intelliJ ceylon IDE on my macbook. When compiling my project I get the following message
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_25.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java "-Dceylon.system.repo=/Users/Laust/Library/ApplicationSupport/IdeaIC2016.3/CeylonIDEA/classes/embeddedDist/repo" -Didea.launcher.port=7533 "-Didea.launcher.bin.path=/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath "/Users/Laust/Library/Application Support/IdeaIC2016.3/CeylonIDEA/classes/embeddedDist/lib/ceylon-bootstrap.jar:/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA" com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain com.redhat.ceylon.launcher.Bootstrap run --run main default/unversioned
ceylon run: Module default/unversioned not found in the following repositories:
/Users/Laust/Library/Application Support/IdeaIC2016.
[Maven] Aether
[NPM] npm
Process finished with exit code 1
The code executes fine on my other computer (windows 7).
the folder 'modules' contains the following:
and my build configuration looks as follows.
this is my code (in the file source/main.ceylon)
shared void main() {
print("Generating pretty sweet g-code:");
{Gcommand+} myGcommands = {
G00( Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ),
G00( Vector3(9.0, 0.0, 0.0) ),
G00( Vector3(9.0, 9.0, 0.0) ),
G00( Vector3(0.0, 9.0, 0.0) ),
G00( Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) )
GcodeProgram myGcodeProgram = GcodeProgram( *myGcommands );
"A carthesian coordinate class"
alias X => Float;
alias Y => Float;
alias Z => Float;
class Vector3(shared X x, shared Y y, shared Z z) {
"An abstract spec class for all G-code command classes"
abstract class Gcommand() {
shared formal String toString();
"G-code command for moving in a straight line at rapid speed"
class G00( Vector3 endPoint ) extends Gcommand() {
toString() => "G0 " + "X" + endPoint.x.string
+ "Y" + endPoint.y.string
+ "Z" + endPoint.z.string + "\n";
class GcodeProgram( Gcommand+ gcommands ) {
variable String stringifiedGcodeProgram = "";
shared String toString() {
for (gcommand in gcommands) {
stringifiedGcodeProgram = stringifiedGcodeProgram + gcommand.toString();
return stringifiedGcodeProgram;
The screenshot you provided shows that the run configuration isn't based on any IntelliJ module (Use classpath of module
is set to [none]
). This means that the configuration will not be run in your project folder where the modules
directory lives. That directory contains the compiled code, and ceylon run
will look for that directory when you ask it to run the default
Generally speaking, you should avoid creating run configurations manually. By clicking on the green arrow next to a runnable function's name, Ceylon IDE will automatically create and configure a correct run configuration.
To fix your existing run configuration, simply select the IntelliJ module that contains your code in the field labeled Use classpath of module
See also the getting started guide for more information on how to get started with Ceylon IDE for IntelliJ.